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Risk factors for individual profiles

  • Environment:
  • EU
  • UAE
  • US

The following factors are available for individual profiles:


The risk associated with the individual's age.

Data matched: The profile’s date of birth is taken, and the individual’s age is determined by calculating the number of years between that date and today.


  • The individual’s age falls within the number range you specify.

Every year on the day of the profile’s date of birth, the profile’s age is re-calculated and the profile is re-assessed for all risk factors in your risk model.

Calling code to country code

The risk associated with the country of the individual’s phone number.

Data matched: The country is found by looking up the international country calling code of the profile’s phone number. The associated alphabetic country code is provided. For example, the calling code +44 becomes the country code GBR.

Possible conditions:

  • The country code is included on the list you provide.

  • The country code is not included on the list you provide.

Country calling code

The risk associated with the calling code of the individual's phone number.

Data matched: The international country calling code is taken from the profile's phone number. For example, +44.

Possible conditions:

  • The calling code is included on the list you provide.

  • The calling code is not included on the list you provide.

Country of IP address

The risk associated with the country of the individual's IP address.

Data matched: The individual’s IP address captured via the API is looked up to find its approximate location. The associated country is provided.

Possible conditions:

  • The country is included on a list you provide.

  • The country is not included on a list you provide.

This risk factor can only be used if you’ve configured the API to capture the individual's IP address.

Country of residence

The risk associated with the individual’s current country of residence.

Data matched: The individual’s country of residence is taken from the profile’s current address.

Possible conditions:

  • The country is included on a list you provide.

  • The country is not included on a list you provide.

Any previous addresses that the profile has are not taken into consideration for this risk factor.

Custom field

The risk associated with a profile’s custom field, for example, Expected transaction volume per month or Product tier.

Data matched: The data taken from the custom field you specify.

Possible conditions when the data is text:

  • The data is included on a list you provide.

  • The data is excluded from a list you provide.

  • The data exactly matches text you provide.

  • The data starts with text you provide.

  • The data ends with text you provide.

  • The data contains text you provide.

Possible conditions when the data is a number:

  • The data falls within a number range you specify.

  • The data is less than a number you specify.

  • The data is less than or equal to a number you specify.

  • The data is greater than a number you specify.

  • The data is greater than or equal to a number you specify.

Possible conditions when the data is multi-select:

  • The options selected for the custom field match exactly with a list of options you provide.

  • All of the options selected for the custom field are included in a list of options you provide.

  • Any of the options selected for the custom field are included on a list of options you provide.

  • All of the options selected for the custom field are excluded from a list of options you provide.

  • Any of the options selected for the custom field are excluded from a list of options you provide.

Data result: For this risk factor, you can also specify that a prefix or suffix is added to the resulting data so it’s easier for users to read. For example, you might choose the prefix £, as in £100, or the suffix customers, as in 100 customers.

If the value of the custom field is a date, use the Custom field date to months risk factor.

Custom field date to months

The risk associated with the number of months that have passed between the date in a profile’s custom field, for example, Date of first transaction, and today.

Data matched: The date is taken from the specified custom field, and the number of months between that date and today is calculated.

Possible conditions:

  • The data falls within a number range you specify.

  • The data is less than a number you specify.

  • The data is less than or equal to a number you specify.

  • The data is greater than a number you specify.

  • The data is greater than or equal to a number you specify.

Every month on the date of the specified custom field, the number of months is re-calculated, and the profile is re-assessed for all risk factors in your risk model.

Email address

The risk associated with the individual’s email address.

Data matched: The email address is taken from the profile’s Email address field.

Possible conditions:

  • The email address is included on a list you provide.

  • The email address is not included on a list you provide.

  • The email address exactly matches an email address you provide.

  • The email address starts with letters/numbers/symbols you provide.

  • The email address ends with letters/numbers/symbols you provide.

  • The email address contains letters/numbers/symbols you provide.


The risk associated with the country of the profile’s nationality.

Data matched: The country of nationality is taken from the profile’s Nationality.

Possible conditions:

  • The country is included on a list you provide.

  • The country is not included on a list you provide.

Postal code

The risk associated with the individual’s current postal code.

Data matched: The postal code is taken from the profile’s current address.

Possible conditions:

  • The postal code is included on a list you provide.

  • The postal code is not included on a list you provide.

  • The postal code exactly matches a postal code you provide.

  • The postal code starts with letters/numbers you provide.

  • The postal code ends with letters/numbers you provide.

  • The postal code contains letters/numbers you provide.

Screening matches

The risk associated with screening matches of a specified type.

Data matched: The screening matches discovered when the profile is screened for a product application or as part of ongoing monitoring.

You can choose any of the following match types:

  • PEPs

  • Sanctions

  • Adverse media

  • Other

  • Merchant fraud

Possible conditions:

  • The profile has one or more confirmed matches of the selected types.

  • The profile has one or more potential matches of the selected types.

  • The profile has no confirmed matches of the selected types.

  • The profile has one or more ignored matches and no potential or confirmed matches of the selected types.

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