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About Grid Search tool

Grid Search is an ad hoc screening tool that retrieves potential entity matches based on a name submission. Other search criteria, such as event types, addresses, or dates of birth, can be used to narrow search results.

This entity search feature is generally used as a zero-footprint tool for ad hoc searches by firms who require occasional, single name searches. It is a streamlined version of the full Grid screening offerings, as it does not maintain historical records of searches, produce historical reports, or add inquiry names to future portfolio monitoring or batch screenings.

Using the Grid Search tool, you can:

  • Retrieve instant Grid match results.

  • View entity profile information.

  • Generate a PDF for your records.

Grid search tool

To perform more robust risk screening, add inquiry names to nightly portfolio monitoring, and utilize historical auditing for reports, contact your Moody's customer support partner to discuss our other screening solutions.

Firm and user configuration is required to access this tool.

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