Audit report actions
The following actions are recorded as items in a profile's audit report.
Actions about profiles
Created this profile
Viewed this profile
Only the first view is recorded if a user views the profile more than once a day. Days are determined using the coordinated universal time (UTC). This audit item is recorded when the API is used to get a profile. It isn't recorded for other API actions like getting collected data or check results.
Wrote a comment; [comment text]
This audit item is for comments made in the profile's Conversations.
Attached a file; [image of file]
This audit item is for files uploaded to the profile's Conversations. Note that if the user added a comment with the file, the comment's text is recorded separately as the Wrote a comment audit item.
Added tag: [tag name]
Removed a tag: [tag name]
Changed the status of the profile from [old status] to [new status]
Created customer request with [request information]
This audit item is for the Collect service. Contact our Client Service team to learn more.
Completed customer request with [request information]
This audit item is for the Collect service. Contact our Client Service team to learn more.
Set [collected data type] to [value]
Example: Set Date of Birth to 1975-04-19.
Changed [collected data type] to [value]
Unset [collected data type]
Added [associate name] to the verification list as part of [task name].
This audit item is for tasks that have a verification list.
Removed role of [role name] for [link:associate name] from the verification list as part of the [task name] task with the comment [comment text]
This audit item is for company profiles that have associates on a verification list. Note that a comment is only displayed if the user chose to leave one.
Removed role of [role name] for this profile from the verification list as part of the [task name] task with the comment [comment text]
This audit item is for associate profiles that were on a verification list. Note that a comment is only displayed if the user chose to leave one.
Removed role of [role name] for [link:associate name] from this profile as part of the [task name] task with the comment [comment text]
This audit item is for company profiles that have associates on a verification list. Note that a comment is only displayed if the user chose to leave one.
Removed role of [role name] for this profile from [link:parent company name] as part of the [task name] task with the comment [comment text]
This audit item is for associate profiles that were on a verification list. Note that a comment is only displayed if the user chose to leave one.
Linked [profile name] as a [associate role]
This audit item is used for profiles with product applications that have verification lists.
Set the origin to [profile name]
Changed the origin from [profile name of old origin] to [profile name of new origin]
Unset the origin from [profile name]
Added [profile name] as an affiliate
Removed [profile name] as an affiliate
Granted profile access for [user or team] [expiry information]
This audit item is recorded when the API is used to grant access to a specific profile for a user or team.
Revoked previously granted profile access for [user or team] [expiry information]
This audit item is recorded when the API is used to revoke access to a specific profile for a user or team.
Downloaded this audit report
This audit item is recorded when a user downloads the audit report. The item is not included in the downloaded report.
Actions about product applications
Added [product application].
Marked [product application] as nearing expiry.
Changed the [product application] status from [old status] to [new status]: [optional message from user].
The product application status can be applied, approved, in review, rejected, or canceled. Note that the optional message is only displayed if the user chose to leave one or it's defined on the smart policy, for example, auto rejection.
Reverted the onboarding decision on [product application] ([product application date and time]) with comment [comment text]. Note that a comment is only added to the audit item if the user included one or it's defined on the smart policy.
Example: Reverted the onboarding decision on Forexo Basic Account application (applied on 20 May 2023 @ 4:41 PM) with comment Applicant provided additional information.
Changed the risk category of this product application from [old risk level] to [new risk level] for the following products: [product applications].
Assigned [product application] ([product application date and time]) to [user or "nobody"].
[number] escalations to team [team name] created for [product application].
Set status of escalation to team [team name] for [product application] to [status].
Actions about tasks
Added a [task name] task.
Completed the [task name] task with [task status].
Example: Completed the Verify identity task with a pass.
Uncompleted the [task name] task.
Marked a [task name] task as expiring in 30 days.
Set the [task name] task expiry to [date].
Changed the [task name] task expiry date from [old date] to [new date].
Marked a [task name] task as expired.
Added a note to the [task name] task: [text in note] [picture of document].
Note that a picture of the document is only added if a document was uploaded with the note.
Deleted a note from the [task name] task: [text in note] [attachment].
Added new monitoring update for [task name].
This audit item is for tasks that have a check in ongoing monitoring.
Actions about checks
Instructed a new [check name].
Completed the [check name] using [provider name] with [result].
Example: Completed the Identity check using GBG ID3global with a 2+2.
Updated [check name] check.
This audit item is recorded when the API is used to update the tasks associated with a check,
Uploaded a [image type] document image; [picture of the image].
This audit item is for documents uploaded for an ID verification check or Document verification check.
Example: Uploaded a FRONT document image.
Added a [match type] event.
This audit item is for the PEPs, sanctions, and adverse media checks for individuals and companies. The match type can be politically exposed or sanctioned. If the match type is adverse media or refer, the audit item is Added event.
Marked [number of matches] event as [match decision]; [optional message from user]; Event from [provider name] for [match name]; Date of birth: [date of birth]; Nationality: [nationality].
This audit item is for the PEPs, sanctions, and adverse media checks for individuals and companies. The match decision can be unresolved, mismatched, matched, ignored, or created, which occurs when a task expires and a new task version is created. Note that the optional message is only displayed if the user chose to leave one.
Marked 1 event as mismatched.
"I've investigated this match."
Event from Refinitiv World-Check One for Alexandra Wheeler
Date of birth: 01 January 2002
Nationality: United Kingdom
Marked [match name] as an inaccurate match in the sanctions stage.
Marked [match name] as a match in the sanctions stage.
Generated Onfido tokens for the following checks [name of checks].
Note that this is only applicable if you're using Onfido as a data provider.
Actions about forms
Submitted [form name] form
Passed [form name] form with [form content]
Failed [form name] form with [form content]
Instantiated [form name] form
Sent [form name] form
Canceled [form name] form
Expired [form name] form
Created customer request with [customer email] [form name]
Completed customer request with [form name]