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Grid Analyst Review response types

Firms who subscribe to Grid Analyst Review receive an alert after the initial inquiry screening is completed and another after the analyst completes their review.

Response to inquiry types

The following alert types may be returned when the initial screening is completed.

Response type


No match found

Automated rules do not meet the criteria defined to send alerts to the analysts for review. When this occurs, the firm is immediately advised of the total system No Matches for the inquiry, while the rest of the batch remains In Process with analysts.

Not alerted

Potential matches are sent to analysts for review. They are not sent to the firm because the Grid record did not meet the defined criteria for false positives or immaterial.


Potential matches met firm-specified rules for matching.

Analyst Review secondary review and completion

Analyst Review also includes a secondary review for all alerts and inquiries where further research is required.

After all the inquiries are processed:

  • The batch is automatically marked as completed.

  • The completed batch is consolidated into a summary report containing results for all of the inquiries.

    • If the Grid web interface is used to review results, firms receive an email indicating the batch is complete. At that time, they can log in to view the results and summary.

    • If the Review Inquiry Batch (RIB) file transfer method is used by a firm to return results, the file is uploaded to the appropriate site.

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