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Analyst Review match rules for Grid

Analyst Review is an opt-in service. Firm configuration is required to add this service to your screening process.

Moody's risk analysts can apply two types of rules:

  • Identity match rules

  • Materiality match rules

Identity match rules

Identity match rules consider address, date of birth, and position/title, which can potentially be included with your inquiry submission, in the Inquiry Notes field.

  • Address / Geography rules

    Our default settings use a 50-mile radius around the address provided for common names and a 100-mile radius around the address provided for unique names.  This can be changed to consider things like city or state match, or the radius can be set to any mileage.

    Exceptions can be made for certain event codes or C, V, I, P categorizations, such as sending an alert within 50/100 miles, for all codes except MLA, TER, and WLT, which should be alerted regardless of address.

  • Date of Birth / Age rules

    Typically, a range like "+/- 1 year" is selected because many news articles only list an age based on an approximate calculation of the year of birth. This has the potential to be a year off, as we don't know if the person's birthday has already passed when the article was written.

    Our analysts, by default, seek to match or mismatch based on the exact date of birth if the full date of birth is provided in the Grid source and the firm's inquiry submission. However, that is optional as we typically use the range regardless for any sanctions matches.

  • Position / Title rules

    These rules are part identity and part materiality matching. 

    For example: If you are working with the CEO of a large organization and are able to pass the person's title and company in the inquiry submission's Inquiry Notes field, the analyst can use that information to conduct additional research on the age/location.

    However, let's also assume your CEO client is not the person who stole their neighbor's bike last week. Firms using the Analyst Review service have the option of dictating how we use the information provided in the Inquiry Notes field based on internal risk tolerances and policies.

Materiality match rules

Adding risk analysts to your screening process optimizes Grid filtering processes, reduces immaterial results, and lessens your firm's workload.

  • Custom Fine rules: Moody's distinguishes fines of less than $10,000 from fines of more than that amount. If you are required to use different levels, that is handled by analysts. 

    Many firms set custom fine amounts by record type. For example, only alert REG/SEC events where fines are issued and confirmed to be over $1M for organizations or $500K for persons.

  • Custom Theft / Robbery Amount rules: Many firms set a custom theft amount. For example, only alert theft/robbery if the value exceeds $1000.

  • Other custom event-specific rules: Beyond setting specific thresholds as mentioned above, some clients will implement other specific rules based on their policies. For example:

    • ABU (abuse): Only alert on elder abuse, not child abuse.

    • KID (kidnapping): Only alert on cases where someone other than the parent has done the kidnapping.

    • MUR (murder): Only alert on murders that are financially motivated, exclude crimes of passion.

The Analyst Review service is designed to act as an extension of your organization. If you are interested in applying a rule that is not described above, let us know.  

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