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Screen PEPs, sanctions, and adverse media matches in Passfort

The PEPs and sanctions screening check for individuals and the Sanctions and adverse media screening check for companies are used to search for potential PEPs, sanctions, or adverse media matches.

Run the check

To run the PEPs and sanctions screening or Sanctions and adverse media screening check:

  1. Go to a profile's Assess PEPs, sanctions, and adverse media or Assess sanctions and adverse media task.

    Assess PEPs, sanctions, and adverse media task showing no checks run.

    You may find that there are already confirmed matches in the check results. This is because your smart policy is configured to return results automatically. You can see when the check was run at the beginning of the results. If the check was run recently, you may wish to skip the next step.

  2. If the profile is an individual, select PEPs and sanctions screening. If the profile is a company, select Sanctions and adverse media screening. The screening results are returned.

Read the results

The check returns any potential matches found by your data provider for the profile. These are displayed in the Potential matches list.

Assess PEPs, sanctions, and adverse media check results

To see more information about a potential match, select the match name.

The Provider PDF option is displayed if your data provider offers a PDF report for the match. You can view the report by selecting Provider PDF. Download the report using the Download button at the beginning of the preview or by right-clicking the preview and selecting Save as.

Confirm or ignore matches

To confirm or ignore the match, select Unresolved. Select your decision, then choose Save decision.

Optionally, you can add a comment to explain to your colleagues why you've made the decision.

Resolve match pop-out menu

Confirmed matches are displayed on the Matches list, which is created when you confirm the first match.

Ignored matches, also known as false positives, are displayed on the Ignored matches list.

Assess PEPs, sanctions, and adverse media task highlighting the Matches and Ignored matches sections of the results.

To return a confirmed or ignored match to the Potential matches list, select the match name and choose Review decision.

You may find that matches are displayed on the Ignored matches list as soon as they're returned. This happens when your company is using Passfort’s false positive reduction service. You can choose to confirm any match on this list. To mark all potential matches as false positives, check the checkbox at the top of the Potential matches list, then select Ignore.

Additional information