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Product application reviews

If you think the applicant should have access to your product, approve the product application. You can only approve a product application when all tasks are passed.

If you think the applicant should not have access, reject the product application. Get the full steps to Approve a product application.


You can only approve an product application when all tasks are passed.

Automatic approval or rejection

A product application may be approved or rejected automatically according to the product's smart policy. For example, your smart policy may be configured to approve the product application automatically as soon as all tasks have passed. Check the product application's recent activity to see when and why it was approved or rejected.

If you're not ready to approve or reject the product application, for example, because the application needs to be reviewed, you can assign it to a colleague or team. To assign it, select the product application name from the navigation options and select the button that says Unassigned or Assigned to. The colleague or team members will receive a notification to let them know the product application's with them.

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