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Filter data in a report

You can use filters to view report data that meet specific criteria only.

The filter criteria that are available depend on the report. To learn more, see Additional information.

To apply a filter to your data:

  1. Select the drop-down for one of the criteria under Filter Report Data and choose the options you want to apply. As you choose options, the data is filtered automatically.

    Filter criteria with many options have a search tool in the drop-down, so it's easy to find what you're looking for.

    Reporting_Country of nationality filter

    If you see a message that says No results, there's no application data that matches your filter criteria. Try changing your filter criteria.

  2. To select or remove all options for a filter criterion, select the drop-down for the criterion and choose the first option. This option has the name of the filter criterion, for example, "Country of nationality."

    Reporting_Country of nationality filter select all
  3. To remove all options for a filter criterion except one, select the drop-down for the filter criterion, hover over the option you want to keep, and select Only. All other filtering options for that criterion are removed from the data.

    Reporting_Country of nationality filter select only

Additional information