Data filters in application reports
You can choose from any of the following criteria and only the data from applications that meet your criteria are displayed:
Application status (current): The status of the application. Possible statuses are: Applied, meaning that the application has not yet been approved or rejected for the first time, Approved, Canceled, In Review, and Rejected.
Application status (at first decision): Whether an application was initially approved or rejected. Note that the decision may have changed since, for example, the first application decision was Approved but the current state of the application is Canceled. To see applications that haven't been approved or rejected yet, select .
Product: The product the application is for.
Profile type: The type of profile. The options for this filter are INDIVIDUAL_CUSTOMER, individuals applying for your product, COMPANY_CUSTOMER, companies applying for your product, INDIVIDUAL_ASSOCIATED, company associates who are individuals, COMPANY_ASSOCIATED, company associates who are companies.
Country of incorporation: The profile's country of incorporation. To see applications from profiles with no country of incorporation: all individual profiles, plus any company profiles with no data for this field, select .
Country of current address: The profile's country of address. To see applications from profiles with no country of address: all company profiles, plus any individual profiles that have no data for this field, select .
Country of nationality: The profile's country of nationality. To see applications from profiles with no country of nationality: all company profiles, plus any individual profiles that have no data for this field, select .
Risk level (current): The current risk level of the application. To see applications that do not have a risk level, for example, a risk level won't be assigned because there's no risk model for that product, select . To see applications with a risk level that could not be calculated, select . Note that this criterion is only displayed if you're using Risk. Equally, the option is only available if at least one application has a risk level that could not be calculated.
Risk level (at first decision): The risk level of the application when it was initially approved or rejected. Note that the risk level may have changed since then, for example, an application might have been initially evaluated low risk, but a sanctions match could be later discovered and cause the risk level to be re-evaluated as high risk. To see applications with a risk level that could not be determined, select . Note that this criterion is only displayed if you're using Risk. Equally, the option is only available if at least one application's risk level could not be calculated.
Assignee type: The type of application assignee, this will be a Team, an individual User or unspecified No data.
Assignee user: The name of the user assigned to an application.
Associate role: The company associate's role, for example, beneficial owner or director. Note that applications for associates are created once per role, so if an associate has multiple roles at the same company, they'll have multiple applications. To see profiles that are not company associates, select .
Decided with STP: Whether the application was first decided with STP. To see applications that have not yet been decided, plus any applications that were created before 24 July 2019, select .
Last decision made: User type: The type of user that made the most recent decision on an application. This will be an API user, a smart policy user, or a User (portal). This information can only be retrieved from 24 Jul 2019 onwards.
Last decision made: User name: The name of the user that made the most recent decision on an application. This information can only be retrieved from 24 Jul 2019 onwards.
To learn how to apply or remove a filter, see About reports.