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Configuring CreditorWatch

CreditorWatch is a data provider that you can use to run the Company data check. It retrieves information for Australian companies only.

If you're using the full Passfort product, you can run this check on the Identify officers, Identify shareholders, and Verify company details tasks.

CreditorWatch does not provide search functionality, so if CreditorWatch is the only data provider you're using for the Company data check, users creating profiles using the portal will always need to add company information manually.

Financial data and ongoing monitoring are not supported.

How it works

This is the default behavior for a variant of the Company data check with CreditorWatch as the data provider.

The check is performed by sending the company's number to CreditorWatch. The company number can be the Australian Business Number (ABN) or the Australian Company Number (ACN). In response, CreditorWatch returns information from the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) and/or the Australian Business Register (ABR).

If CreditorWatch returns data from both ASIC and ABR, only the information from the ASIC is used to verify the company details and is displayed in the check results. Note that shareholder and officer information is only available from ASIC.

The check passes when all of the following are true:

  • The company name is found in the registry.

  • The company status in the registry is active.

  • The company number from the profile is the ABN or ACN and it matches the number in the registry.

When the check passes, the basic company information, shareholder information, and officer information is imported from ASI,C or, if this data is unavailable, ABR, into the check results.

The check returns a partial match when the company number is found in the registry but one of the following is true:

  • The following profile data does not match the registry data: name or country of incorporation.

  • The company status is inactive.

  • The company status is unknown.

The check fails if the company number is not found.

An error is displayed when the company's country of incorporation isn't Australia.

When you search for a company during the profile creation process, the search results are retrieved using the Company data check, if you have one set up. If you don't have a Company data check set up, the Company registry check can be used instead.

To learn more about the CreditorWatch API, see CreditorWatch's documentation.

Passfort's integration is configured using the custom-profile endpoint.

Configuration options

There are no additional configuration options.

Ongoing monitoring is not available.

What we'll need

Let us know that you'd like to add a variant of the Company data check with CreditorWatch and we'll set it up.

We'll need your CreditorWatch details:

  • Username

  • Password

For help getting your username and password, please speak to your CreditorWatch account manager.

Testing your configuration

Once the check variant is configured, follow these steps in your demo environment to test whether it's working as expected.

  • Is company information returned from CreditorWatch?

    Create a company profile with Company 1 as the name and 1 as the company number, and run the check variant. If the check passes and data is displayed in the check results, the check variant is working as expected.

  • Is a partial match returned when the company number is found in CreditorWatch's sources but the profile data does not match?

    Create a company profile with Company 12 as the name and 12 as the company number, and run the check variant. If the check returns a partial match and an incorrect company number is displayed in the results, the check variant is working as expected.

  • Does the check fail when the company number cannot be found in CreditorWatch's sources?

    Create a company profile with Company 8 as the name and 8 as the company number, and run the check variant. If the check fails and no results are returned, the check variant is working as expected.

Profile fields

These are required the profile details for this check:



Country of incorporation


The country in which the company is incorporated. Must be Australia.

Company name


The legal name of the company.

Company number


The company's ABN or ACN.

Only the company number is sent to CreditorWatch.

Data mapping

Data that is returned from this check is from the custom-profile endpoint. The following section describes how Passfort maps the returned information to our data structure.

Company officers

The company officer information in the CompanyOfficeHolders object is mapped to the officers object of the Passfort profile. This data includes resigned officers.

The roleType returned by CreditorWatch is mapped to the original_role field and also used to determine the associate role.

CreditorWatch does not structure addresses in a standardized way, so Passfort uses the state returned by CreditorWatch to determine the associate's country of birth or address which is displayed in the immediate_data for the associate. For example, if the state matches an Australian state, Passfort uses Australia as the country of birth/address. If Passfort is unable to determine the country using the state, the country of birth/address is not displayed.

This information is only available when the company is registered with ASIC.


The shareholder information in the shareCapitalGroup and shareInterests objects are mapped to the ownership_structure object of the Passfort profile.

If CreditorWatch returns shares that are owned jointly by several shareholders, Passfort displays each shareholder as a separate associate. For example, if Ania Mrugalski and Nayab Ali Khan jointly own 20% of the company's shares, Passfort will display Ania Mrugalski as a shareholder owning 20% of the shares and Nayab Ali Khan as a different shareholder owning 20% of the shares. This means that if you add up the percentages in Passfort, it's possible for the total shares to seem greater than 100%.

CreditorWatch does not structure addresses in a standardised way, so Passfort uses the state returned by CreditorWatchto determine the associate's country of address which is displayed in the immediate_data for the associate. For example, if the state matches an Australian state, Passfort uses Australia as the country of address. If Passfort is unable to determine the country using the state, the country of address is not displayed.

The shareholder's nationality is only returned if they are also an officer. This is because Passfort determines nationality using the country of birth, for example, if country of birth is the Netherlands, the nationality is displayed as Dutch, and CreditorWatch only returns country of birth for officers.

CreditorWatchdoes not return information about former shareholders. This information is only available when the company is registered with ASIC.

Company information

The following basic company information is mapped to the metadata object of the Passfort profile as follows:


Passfort portal name

Passfort API name

CreditorWatch name (ASIC)

CreditorWatch name (ASIC)

Company number




Company status



Note that if the value of asicData.status is Registered , it means the company status is active and the Passfort field is_active will be set to TRUE.

If asicData.status is set to any result other than Registered, it means the company status is not active and the asicData.status field will map to Passfort's is_active_details field.


Note that if the value of companyDetails.abrData.status is Active, it means the company status is active and the Passfort field is_active will be set to TRUE.

If companyDetails.abrData.status is set to any result other than Active, it means the company status is not active and the companyDetails.abrData.status field will map to Passfort's is_active_details field.

Company status details



Note that this asicData.status only maps to is_active_details when its value is anything other than Registered For more information, see the previous note.


Note that companyDetails.abrData.status only maps to is_active_details when its value is anything other than Active. For more information, see the previous note.

Company type








Previous names



Not applicable


addresses.address and addresses.type


The addresses in companyAddresses map to addresses.address.

This is how the value of companyAddresses maps to the value of addresses.type:

  • Principle Place of Business maps to head_office

  • Registered Office maps to registered

  • All other values map to trading

Note that if addressEndDate is not null, this field will not be mapped.


The addresses in abrData.addresses map to addresses.address.

The value for addresses.type is always set to registered.

Note that if effectiveto is set to null, this field will not be mapped.

Not in portal




Not in portal



This will always be returned as Australian Business Register.

The Passfort field for Country of incorporation (metadata.country_of_incorporation) will always be set to Australia and Entity type (metadata.entity_type) will always be Company.