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Grid Search tool result fields

Interface element


Risk Priority

C (Critical), V (Valuable), I (Investigative), or P (Probative).

Varies depending on the high-risk event that is returned in the profile.

Entity ID

A Grid unique identifier which differentiates the record from other records in Grid as well as previous versions of the same entity's profile.

Select Entity ID to open the Entity Info tab and display the full risk record and source information. A PDF report can be generated from this screen, for this particular entity only.

If you have a Grid reader license, the Article tab also displays. This view contains risk event sources from negative media sources, as well as the source article.

Entity Info

Contains the biographical information on the entity.

Entity Overview

Contains the risk events in the profile and a brief description for each risk event. Contains at least one of four symbols used to denote different sources of risk in a profile:

  • Red circle: A name is on a sanction list.

  • Blue circle: The entity appears on another watchlist.

  • Flag: The entity is a politically exposed person (PEP). Also indicated is the country in which the entity is a PEP.

  • Newspaper icon: A risk event sourced from media.


Displays the date the event was listed.


Select the box in this column to perform a Hide or PDF action.


Select this button to hide one or more rows. This action is performed on entities whose Search column box is selected.


See Generate PDF of Grid Search tool results.

This action creates a composite report of all selected Entity IDs.


Because the Grid Search tool does not maintain historical or auditing records of searches, a PDF must be generated when the results are displayed. Results are no longer available after a new search is submitted, moved to another interface, or after you have logged out.

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