Grid filtering capabilities
Moody's offers powerful data filtering capabilities to ensure screening results match your unique business needs and risk requirements.
The following filtering services are available:
Firm filters: Identity-related filter expressions that exclude matches based on the acceptable likelihood of an identity match. Filters are based on the context of a search and the same filter can be defined multiple ways.
CVIP filter: The customizable CVIP filter acts as a bucketing system to categorize events as Critical-Valuable-Investigative-Probative and narrow match results based on your risk profile. Risk-related filters restrict matches based on firm-specific risk requirements.
Each Grid record is tagged with at least one event/subcategory code combination, a type, such as a person or organization, and a date.
iList include/exclude lists: This screening solution uses integrated match rules that either filter on matches or alert on results that no-match, such as block or country lists. Custom firm lists and Moody's Standard iList collection are available with this feature.
iList offers three types of lists: Person, Organization, and Country.
Lists can be configured to use match score thresholds for an allow listing to be conditional based on events or dates.
Alerts based on a country, even if the name does not match are permitted.
Firms can update their own custom lists through the Grid web interface. For more frequent updates, an automated SFTP process is also available.
Knowledge tags: Use knowledge tags to classify or filter alerts based on themes and topics outside of event codes. These hashtag-like system meta tags are linked to risk events on Grid profiles.
Assigned through adverse media or monitored lists.
Apply additional content taxonomy classifications and subcategories to streamline the discoverability of knowledge and insights across different content sets and risk event codes.