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Configuring Bureau van Dijk Orbis

Bureau van Dijk Orbis is a data provider you can use to run these checks:

  • Company data check

  • Company ownership check


This is an older integration. For the newer integration, see Configuring Moody's Orbis.

Company data check

How it works

This is the default behavior for a variant of the Company data check with Bureau van Dijk Orbis as the data provider.

The check is performed by sending the company's name, country of incorporation, and company number or Bureau van Dijk Orbis ID number to Bureau van Dijk Orbis and requesting a report.

The check passes when all of the following are true:

  • The company name is found in the registry.

  • The company status in the registry is active.

  • The country of incorporation from the profile matches the data in the registry.

  • The company number or Bureau van Dijk Orbis ID number from the profile match the data in the registry.

When the check passes, the basic company information is imported into the check results. The company information imported into Passfort is displayed differently for each task. See the description of the Company data check for more information. If multiple results are discovered for the same company, they're ordered by the best match for the name, as determined by Bureau van Dijk Orbis.

Additionally when the check passes, a link called Source data is displayed which takes you to the company results in Bureau van Dijk Orbis. You'll need to log in with your Bureau van Dijk Orbis username and password to view the results.

The check returns a partial match when the company name is found in the registry but one of the following is true:

  • Any of the required profile data is missing.

  • Any of the profile data does not match.

  • The company status is inactive.

  • The company status is unknown.

When the check returns a partial match, the basic company information and Source data link are displayed.

The check fails if the company name cannot be found.

An error is displayed when the company's country of incorporation isn't covered by the Bureau van Dijk Orbis agreement.

Contact your Bureau van Dijk Orbis account manager to learn what countries your agreement covers.

This check cannot be used to monitor financial data.

When the results are displayed on the Verify company details task, the Nature of business shows any of the following codes that apply: SIC (US SIC), NACE (NACE Rev. 2) and/or NAICS (NAICS 2017). Note that the UK SIC code is not displayed. Bureau van Dijk Orbis maps the NACE code into the UK SIC code and recommends using NACE because it has international coverage.

When you search for a company during the profile creation process, the search results are retrieved using the Company data check, if you have one set up. If you don't have a Company data check set up, the Company registry check can be used instead.

Bureau van Dijk Orbis associate categories

Bureau van Dijk Orbis organizes associates into categories and subcategories. Passfort uses these categories to filter associates and return those that are relevant. Associates displayed in the Identify officers task are taken from the following subcategories under Boards and Committees:

  • Board of Directors

  • Executive Board

  • Supervisory Board

  • Advisory Board

Configuration options

There are three configuration options, which all relate to ongoing monitoring:

  • Enable monitoring for Identify officers: When this option is selected, data related to the Identify officers task is monitored.

  • Enable monitoring for Identify shareholders: When this option is selected, data related to the Identify shareholders task is monitored.

  • Enable monitoring for Verify company details: When this option is selected, data related to the Verify company details task is monitored.

Any new results are updated and displayed in Passfort once per week. To learn about the specific data monitored, see Which data is monitored.

When new or updated data is discovered, a new task version is created for the relevant task(s) and the old task version expires. The check results are displayed in full on the new version(s).


After you run a search, monitoring is free for the first 12 months. After that point, you'll be charged when new or updated data is returned. If multiple tasks were updated from the same check result, you'll only be charged once.

This check is used on the Identify officers, Assess company ownership, and Identify shareholders tasks, which include configuration options to control how the officers and shareholders returned by Bureau van Dijk Orbis are verified. Learn more about task configuration options.

Which data is monitored

With the Enable monitoring for Identify officers configuration option turned on, the following data is monitored:

  • COMMON_DIRECTORS_01 - Change in Board of Directors

  • COMMON_DIRECTORS_02 - Change at level of highest executive(s) (CEO or similar)


Bureau van Dijk Orbis standardizes the original job title descriptions they get from their sources. This is done manually, taking different contextual factors into account, for example, the company's country and whether it's public or private. Managers, executive officers, employees, representatives, etc. are all part of the active workforce of a company, involved in the daily running of a business, like a CEO. Directors and other chairpersons of boards belong to the board of committees category.

With the Enable monitoring for Identify shareholders configuration option turned on, the following data is monitored:

  • Beneficial owners newly identified (BONewlyIdentified)

  • Beneficial owners no longer identified (BONoLongerIdentified)

  • Beneficial owners from register (BOFromRegister)


You can use the Bureau van Dijk Orbis portal to set the share percentage for beneficial owners, which then determines which shareholders are sent to Passfort. For example, you could say in the Bureau van Dijk Orbis portal that all beneficial owners have a minimum share percentage of 10%. This will cause all shareholders owning 10% or more to be sent to Passfort. To learn more about the Bureau van Dijk Orbis configuration options, please speak to your Bureau van Dijk Orbis account manager.

With the Enable monitoring for Verify company details configuration option turned on, the following data is monitored:

  • 1 - Change of company name

  • 2 - Change of address

  • 8 - Change of status (any change)

  • The following options are not specifically monitored, but should fall under 8 - Change of status (any change):

    • E - Change of status to active (default of payment)

    • F - Change of status to active (insolvency proceedings)

    • G - Change of status to active (dormant)

    • H - Change of status to bankruptcy

    • I - Change of status to dissolved

    • J - Change of status to in liquidation

    • K - Change of status to inactive

To learn more about this data, speak to your Bureau van Dijk Orbis account manager.

What we'll need

Let us know that you'd like to add a variant of the Company data check with Bureau van Dijk Orbis and we'll set it up.

If you'd like to use any of the configuration options for the Identify officers or Identify shareholders tasks, let us know which ones you'd like to use.

We'll also need your Bureau van Dijk Orbis API key. For help getting your username and password, please speak to your Bureau van Dijk Orbis account manager.

Additionally, we recommend that you contact your Bureau van Dijk Orbis account manager and request that they raise the number of concurrent sessions that can be used by your account to 25 sessions. This will enable search to work properly in Passfort, meaning that when you create a new profile via the Passfort portal, you will be able to find companies by typing a company name or number into the search box provided.

If the number of concurrent sessions is not raised, you may see an error message when you type the company name or number into the search box that's displayed when you create a new profile via the Passfort portal. You will still be able to find a company by pasting a full name or number into the search box.

Ongoing monitoring is tied to your Bureau van Dijk Orbis account. If you switch accounts, ongoing monitoring for existing profiles will be stopped because the connection between Passfort and your Bureau van Dijk Orbis account will be broken. To restart ongoing monitoring, re-run the Company data check on your profiles.

Testing your configuration

Once the check variant is configured, follow these steps in your demo environment to test whether it's working as expected.

  • Are results returned from Bureau van Dijk Orbis?

    Create any company profile and run the check variant. If the check passes and the check results display several officers on the Identify officers task, several shareholders on the Identify shareholders task, and company information on the Verify company details task, the check variant is working as expected.

  • Is a partial match returned when the company name is found in Bureau van Dijk Orbis's sources but the profile data does not match?

    Create a company profile with "partial" in the name and run the check variant. If the check returns a partial match and an incorrect company name is displayed in the results of the Verify company details task, the check variant is working as expected.

  • Does the check fail when the company name cannot be found in Bureau van Dijk Orbis's sources?

    Create a company profile with "fail" in the name and run the check variant. If the check fails and no results are returned, the check variant is working as expected.

The company name and number auto-fill feature that's displayed when you create a company profile via the portal displays demo data in the demo environment. Real data will be displayed in the live environment. Test words are not case-sensitive.

Profile fields

These are the profile details searched in Bureau van Dijk Orbis's sources:



Country of incorporation



The country in which the company is incorporated.

Company name



If not included, a partial match is returned.

The legal name of the company.

Bureau van Dijk Orbis ID number


Optional if the Company number is included. Otherwise, required.


Company number


Optional if the Bureau van Dijk Orbis ID number is included. Otherwise, required.

The company’s registration number.

State of incorporation



The state, province, or territory of the address.

The format follows the state code of the ISO-3166-2 standard.

Note that a UK county should not go here.

Company ownership check

How it works

This is the default behavior for a variant of the Company ownership check with Bureau van Dijk Orbis as the data provider.

The check is performed by searching the company’s country of incorporation, state of incorporation (US, Canada, or Australia only), and registration number in Bureau van Dijk Orbis’s sources to find the company’s shareholders.

If the company is found and at least one shareholder is discovered, the check passes and the shareholder’s details are imported into Passfort.

If the company is found but no shareholders can be discovered, the check returns a Partial match.

If the company cannot be found, the check fails.

If the company’s country of incorporation isn’t covered by Bureau van Dijk Orbis, an error is displayed.

Configuration options

There are no additional configuration options for the Company ownership check variant with Bureau van Dijk Orbis.

However, this check is used on the Identify shareholders task, which includes configuration options to control how the shareholders returned by Bureau van Dijk Orbis are verified. Learn more about task configuration options.

What we’ll need

Let us know that you’d like to add a variant of the Company ownership check with Bureau van Dijk Orbis and we’ll set it up.

If you’d like to use any of the configuration options for the Identify shareholders task, please let us know which ones you’d like to use.

We’ll also need your Bureau van Dijk Orbis API key. For help getting your API key, please speak to your Bureau van Dijk Orbis account manager.

Testing your configuration

Once the check variant is configured, follow these steps in your demo environment to test whether it's working as expected.

  • Are shareholder results returned from Bureau van Dijk Orbis?

    Create any company profile and run the check variant. If the check passes and the check results show Ocado Holdings Limited as a shareholder with ownership of 100% of the company’s shares, the check variant is working as expected.

The data returned is demo data only. In the live environment, an error is displayed when the check variant is run on a profile with a country of address that isn’t covered by Bureau van Dijk Orbis. This error is not displayed in the demo environment.

Profile fields

These are the profile details searched in Bureau van Dijk Orbis’s sources:



Country of incorporation



The country in which the company is incorporated.

State of incorporation


*Required (US, Canada, Australia)

Optional (all other countries)

The state, province, or territory of the address.

The format follows the state code of the ISO-3166-2 standard.

Note that a UK county should not go here.

Company number



The company’s registration number.