Apply an iList to a firm in Grid
After our Client Service team has created your iList, we will apply it to one or more of the firms who manage your risk screening portfolios. At that time you have the ability to further tailor your iList to better align match criteria with the needs of each firm.
To add an iList to your firm:
Work with our Client Service team at
Provide the following information:
Specify the firms you want to apply this iList.
Indicate whether you need to create a new iList rule profile or apply an existing one.
Indicate whether the iList is alertable/restricted or not alertable/unrestricted.
Indicate whether you want to track modifications made to the list.
When selected with an alertable/restricted iList, any new additions to the list names trigger a search across the entire portfolio. If a potential match is identified, an alert is generated.
Indicate whether you would like to stop the Grid Search when finding a match with an alertable/restricted iList.
If an inquiry originates from a country on an alertable/restricted iList, further checks are unnecessary due to the restricted status of the country.
Indicate whether to exclude analyst review when there are no Gridmatches for the inquiry with alertable/restricted iList matches.
Once the Client Service team completes your request, you can use this iList to assist with screening in Grid.