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Using Passfort

Run a Document capture check


This developer guide takes you through the steps to run a Document capturecheck in the PassfortAPI 4.0 to confirm whether an individual's proof of address and proof of identity documents are valid.

This check can be run on the Verify identity task (INDIVIDUAL_VERIFY_IDENTITY) and the Verify address task (INDIVIDUAL_VERIFY_ADDRESS).

If you'd like to use this check on the Verify address task, you should ensure that:

  • The documents provided contain proof of address.

  • Your data provider extracts addresses from documents.

We recommend using Document capture when you want to verify an individual’s proof of address and proof of identity with a single check, and you also want the data provider to collect the documents from the individual.

If you would prefer to add the documents to Passfort yourself, we recommend using the Document verification check.

In the portal, the name of the Document capture check is Document verification (service collects multiple).

The Document capture check process

The process for a Document capture check is as follows:

  1. Run the check with Passfort. Passfort sends a request to the data provider to start the onboarding flow.

  2. The data provider uses the phone number from the check input to contact the customer and request one proof of address document and/or one proof of identity document.

  3. The data provider checks for signs of forgery and extracts any relevant data. Depending on the data provider, they may carry out more onboarding steps like having a video call with the customer.

  4. The data provider sends all documents, extracted data, and, optionally, video call recordings to Passfort.

This guide shows you how to run the check with Passfort and get the check results.

Get the profile's ID and confirm it has the required keys and values

You should choose a profile for the check and get the profile ID.

Once you have the profile ID, you can make sure it has the required fields for the check to run successfully.

Get the profile's ID

These checks are always run on profiles with the INDIVIDUAL entity type.

Choose an individual profile to run the check on, and take note of the profile's ID number, for example, a2c4393a-e219-67a4-5ab4-2186952e9038. You'll need it to run the check later.

If you haven't created the profile yet, follow the steps to create a profile via the API. You can also create a profile via the portal. To get the profile ID, view the profile in the portal and copy the string of letters and numbers after /profiles/ in the URL.

Confirm the profile has the required fields for the check

Use the response to:

  • Confirm the profile has the task you want to run the check on. To run this check on the Verify address task, the profile must have a task with the INDIVIDUAL_VERIFY_ADDRESS type. To run this check on the Verify identity task, the profile must have a task with the INDIVIDUAL_VERIFY_IDENTITY type.

  • Take note of the corresponding task ID ( Use the corresponding task alias (tasks.variant.alias) to confirm that you're looking at the right task. If more than one task has the same alias, which happens when a task has more than one version, use the task with "is_expired": "false". Note that the task variant ID ( won't be used to run this check, so you don't need to take note of it.

  • Confirm the profile has data for these required keys, which are in the collected_data object:

    • The individual's first and, if applicable, middle names.

    • The individual's surname.

    • contact_details.phone_number: The individual's phone number. If you're using Intelli idbox as your data provider, you must include the country code, which can be added with + or 00.

If the required fields don't exist or contain invalid data, running the check returns an error.

To learn how to add or update the profile's collected_data, see Update Passfort's profile data.

Run the check

To run the check, send a request to the following endpoint.








The check type.


*Optional, but we recommend including it whenever possible.

array of strings

Sample value: [3d7a333c-418d-72a1-007b-06854dbb28eb]

Array of strings where each string is a unique identifier for a task the check will run on.

If this key is not included, the check is automatically assigned to all uncompleted INDIVIDUAL_VERIFY_ADDRESS and INDIVIDUAL_VERIFY_IDENTITY tasks on the profile.


*Optional, but we recommend including it whenever possible.


See the following sample request body for a sample value.

Object to indicate which variant of the check is run.




This key is optional if is provided, but we recommend sending the alias whenever possible.

Sample value: document_capture

The check alias.



This key is optional if variant.alias is provided.

Sample value: ea70ade9-3de3-1785-203b-68044cd3ecbb

The unique identifier for the check.

In the following example, we'll run the check with Intelli idbox as the data provider.

Sample request body:

    "check_type": "DOCUMENT_CAPTURE",
    "task_ids": [
    "variant": {
        "alias": "default"

Sample response:

    "check_type": "DOCUMENT_CAPTURE",
    "input_data": {}
    "instructed_on": "2023-06-15 15:09:52",
    "performed_on": "2023-06-15 15:10:04",
    "started_on": "2023-06-15 15:09:52",
    "providers": [],
    "state": "RUNNING",
    "task_ids": [
    "variant": {}

Get the check result

In this example, a Document capture check run with Intelli idbox passed.

Sample payload:

    "id": "33bae6b8-5689-b96b-143c-06e93ab8527e",
    "event": "CHECK_COMPLETED",
    "secret": "yourSecret",
    "timestamp": 1573048450,
    "data": {
        "check": {
            "check_type": "DOCUMENT_CAPTURE",
            "id": "ea565b55-47d9-1858-4588-3a22a3838707",
            "result": "Pass",
            "variant": {
                "alias": "intelli_idbox",
                "id": "ea70ade9-3de3-1785-203b-68044cd3ecbb",
                "name": "Intelli idbox"
        "customer_ref": null,
        "profile_id": "a2c4393a-e219-67a4-5ab4-2186952e9038"

Get more information about the check results

In this example, the Document capture check passed.

Sample response:

    "check_type": "DOCUMENT_CAPTURE",
    "completed_on": "2023-06-15 15:10:04",
    "decision": "PASS",
    "errors": [],
    "id": "ea925b55-47d9-1858-45c8-3a2264a38707",
    "input_data": {},
    "instructed_on": "2023-06-15 15:09:52",
    "output_data": {
        "documents": [
                "category": "PROOF_OF_IDENTITY",
                "document_type": "RESIDENCE_ID",
                "extracted_data": {
                    "issued": "2010-01-01",
                    "issuer": "Police",
                    "number": "GR654321",
                    "personal_details": {
                        "dob": "1986-05-04",
                        "gender": "M",
                        "name": {
                            "family_name": "Wheeler",
                            "given_names": [
                "files": [
                        "file_id": "1d36a7cc-b4c5-5bcd-898a-5891075259ea",
                        "reference": "b9d39276-303b-11ed-a261-0242ac120002",
                        "type": "LIVE_VIDEO"
                "id": "1134a62c-5c6f-456e-9a2e-7e7f4f198be3",
                "images": [
                        "file_id": "ec89da83-23bf-4585-9391-847f7e9add21",
                        "id": "74fc6ffa-b231-4b28-a16d-3c254c08a055",
                        "image_type": "FRONT",
                        "upload_date": "2023-06-15 15:10:02"
                "verification_result": {
                    "all_passed": true,
                    "document_type_passed": true,
                    "field_checks": [
                            "field": "FIELD_DOB",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_FAMILY_NAME",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_GENDER",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_GIVEN_NAMES",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_ISSUED",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_NUMBER",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                    "forgery_checks": [],
                    "forgery_checks_passed": true,
                    "image_checks": [
                            "category": "Face Matching",
                            "result": "PASS",
                            "type": "Face Similarity"
                    "image_checks_passed": true,
                    "provider_information": [
                            "id": "father_name",
                            "name": "Father's name",
                            "value": "Father First Name GR"
                            "id": "father_surname",
                            "name": "Father's surname",
                            "value": "Father Last Name"
                            "id": "type_of_id",
                            "name": "Type of ID",
                            "value": "Residence ID"
                            "id": "reference_id",
                            "name": "Reference ID",
                            "value": "b9d39276-303b-11ed-a261-0242ac120002"
                "category": "PROOF_OF_ADDRESS",
                "document_type": "UTILITY_BILL",
                "extracted_data": {
                    "address_history": [
                            "address": {
                                "country": "GRC",
                                "locality": "Athens",
                                "original_freeform_address": "00, Bill Address, Athens, 12345",
                                "original_structured_address": {
                                    "country": "GRC",
                                    "locality": "Athens",
                                    "postal_code": "12345",
                                    "route": "Bill Address",
                                    "street_number": "00"
                                "postal_code": "12345",
                                "route": "Bill Address",
                                "street_number": "00",
                                "type": "STRUCTURED"
                    "issued": "2023-01-01",
                    "personal_details": {
                        "dob": "1986-05-04",
                        "name": {
                            "family_name": "Wheeler",
                            "given_names": [
                "files": null,
                "id": "f7bdb744-01d9-413f-aebb-9c2a2e3a26c3",
                "images": [
                        "file_id": "fd9ce992-0bc4-4973-af05-63f3631c85c1",
                        "id": "363e476e-5866-4952-8e2d-d864556917f9",
                        "image_type": "FRONT",
                        "upload_date": "2023-06-15 15:10:03"
                "verification_result": {
                    "all_passed": true,
                    "document_type_passed": true,
                    "field_checks": [
                            "field": "FIELD_ADDRESS",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_DOB",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_FAMILY_NAME",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_GIVEN_NAMES",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                            "field": "FIELD_ISSUED",
                            "result": "CHECK_VALID"
                    "forgery_checks": [],
                    "forgery_checks_passed": true,
                    "image_checks": [
                            "category": "Face Matching",
                            "result": "PASS",
                            "type": "Face Similarity"
                    "image_checks_passed": true
        "entity_type": "INDIVIDUAL",
        "external_refs": {
            "generic": "b9d39276-303b-11ed-a261-0242ac120002"
    "performed_on": "2023-06-15 15:10:04",
    "providers": [],
    "result": "Pass",
    "started_on": "2023-06-15 15:09:52",
    "state": "COMPLETE",
    "task_ids": [
    "variant": {}

In the response, output_data has a documents array with one object for each document. See the verification_result in each document object to get key information about the check result:

  • all_passed: When all the data provider's checks have passed, the value of this field is true. When one or more checks have failed, the value of this field is false.

  • document_type_passed: When the correct document_type was used, the value of this field is true. If an incorrect document_type was used, the value of this field is false.

  • error_reason: This field contains a description about why the check returned an error.

  • field_checks: This array of objects contains one object for every profile field that was cross-referenced with the information extracted from the data provider.

  • forgery_checks: This array of objects contains one object for every forgery check performed by the data provider, along with a detailed result for each one.

  • forgery_checks_passed: When all forgery checks performed by the data provider passed, the value of this is true. When one or more forgery checks failed, the value of this field is false.

  • image_checks: This array of objects contains one object for every image check performed by the data provider, along with a detailed result for each one.

  • provider_name: The name of the data provider.

For a description of every field that might be returned in the response, see the API Resources for Get results of a specific check.