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Profile import status

The Import history table displays the status of each import file to indicate what phase the import has reached in the profile creation process.

The table lists one of the following statuses for each import:

  • Pending: The import is waiting to be processed or is waiting for an in-progress import to complete before being processed. Only one import can be in progress at one time.

  • In progress: The import is being processed. It can take up to several hours to fully process an import file and create profiles. Refresh the page to view an updated number of profiles already processed.

  • Fail: The import file couldn't be processed. The table displays the error that occurred during the file upload step. Common errors include uploading an unsupported file type or if your CSV file contains formatting issues. Read more about how to Prepare your CSV file for importing multiple profiles.

  • Complete: The import has been processed. The table displays the number of profiles successfully created. If applicable, the table also displays the number of profiles that weren't created due to issues in the entered data.

    • If errors have occurred, select Error report to view a table of profiles that weren't created and the reasons for the errors.

Profile import error report

On the Profile import error report page, profiles that weren't created are represented by their row numbers in the import file.

Only one error message appears on the report for each failed row, but there may be more than one error associated with that failed row. For example, if the error message shown for a failed row refers to missing data for one or more required fields, it's possible the row also contains other errors such as an incorrect data type for a custom field.

It is recommended that you check every field of a failed row for potential errors.

The possible profile creation errors are:

Error message


One or more required values are missing for this profile.

This row is missing mandatory information required to create the profile.

For company profiles, required values include the product alias, company’s country of incorporation, the company name, and the company number.

For individual profiles, required values include the product alias, the individual’s first and, if applicable, middle names, and the individual’s last name.

The profile contains a product alias that doesn't exist in this institution.

The entered product alias doesn't match exactly with the product alias in your product configuration.

Custom field error(s)

Custom fields are used to capture information about a profile that can't be captured through native fields and are unique to your institution only.

Values for custom fields must be in the format defined for each custom field when they were set up. For example, a date field must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. See Custom field content types for more examples.

Native field error(s)

Native fields are standard profile fields common to all customers using the platform.

Values for native fields must be in the format defined for each field. See Prepare your CSV file for importing multiple profiles for descriptions and examples of formatting for each native field.

Additional information