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Using Passfort

Mapping Salesforce to the Passfort API example

Before you build an integration between Passfort and one of your existing systems, you should consider how the data in your system will map to the data in Passfort.

What needs to be mapped?

These are the most important Passfort entities, objects, and fields to map:

  • profiles: Entities that represent the individuals and companies applying to your products.

  • collected_data.customer_ref: An optional parameter on the profile. Use it to add your own unique identifier that you're using for the profile.

  • applications: An array of objects that exists on each profile. Each application is its own object in the array.

  • The unique identifier of the application.

  • The name of the product that the application is for.

  • applications.status: The stage that the application is at in the onboarding or monitoring process. See the possible values of the status.

  • applications.flag: What's currently happening to the application or what needs to be done for the application to progress to the next status. See the possible values of the flag.

If you're building an integration with Salesforce, you might choose to map this data as follows.

Each product application has its own lifecycle, so you should create your records at the application level.

Mapping Passfort profiles

Use the Salesforce object you're using for applicants, for example, Accounts or Contacts, to map Passfort's profiles.

Then map the Salesforce object's AccountID field to the collected_data.customer_ref field on Passfort's profiles, so you have your own Salesforce reference in Passfort.

Mapping Passfort applications

In Salesforce, you can create a custom object called Passfort Applications, which you can use to map to Passfort's applications objects.

Give the Passfort Applications object a lookup field so you can relate the applications to the Salesforce object you're using for applicants.

Add these custom fields to the object:

  • Application ID: Map the value of this field to Passfort's field.

  • Status: Map the value of this field to Passfort's application.status field.

  • Flag: Map the value of this field to Passfort's application.flag field.

  • Product Name: Map the value of this field to Passfort's field.

Syncing the data during the product application lifecycle

To get a description of other webhooks you may want to listen to, see Configuring webhooks.

These are the two most important webhooks to listen to:

  • Product status changed webhook: This lets you know when the value of an application's status field changes in Passfort and what the value of the field is.

  • Product badge changed webhook: This lets you know when the value of an application's flag field changes in Passfort and what the new value of the key is.

When an application's status or flag changes, use the customer_ref field returned in the webhook payload to look up the matching Salesforce object you're using for applicants.

Next, use the application id field returned in the webhook payload to find the Salesforce object's application with the matching Application ID, and update the application's Status or Flag field with the new data from the payload.

If the Salesforce object you're using for applicants doesn't have an application with a matching application id, create a new application.